Aim of this Blog
There is something very wrong with the world that we are made to see around us. Human Society is not happy, there is
protest, discontentment, poverty, inequality, greed, corruption, Ego, Fanatics’, Agnostics’, natural calamities occurring with frightening regularity and above all Global terrorism which just does not want to call it a day.In short there is chaos everywhere. One word that can describe all this is “Qayamat”. In Jamasphi” and at many places in our Zoroastrian scriptures like“Chithrem Buyaat” prayers, it is mentioned that time is near for Shah Behram Varjawand our Saviour to come in this Qayamat and revive us and our Deen. The Saviours from other religions will also appear and will work together with a common goal for grooming mankind and his spiritual revival.
The Western Astrology call this as Aquarian age and phenomenon that we see today are occuring with lightening quickness. For we never knew that Communist USSR will disintegrate one day and fragment into many small nations, that Germany will one day be united, the revolution in Egypt, Syria, the fall of dictators, and China a sleeping giant awakening to technological boom are all an indicator that we are very much in this Aquarian age. The transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarian Age is already taking its toll till we roll into Age of peace and calm. We are looking forward to being Optimistic and not being fatally Pessimists. Please see the link provided:-
More than 100 years before in past when faith was at its lowest Nadir in our community without caring for deep religious significance when there was idle talks about futility of our time tested customs like Dokhmenashini, Rituals, Sudreh Kusti being only a symbol, Avesta Manthra prayers being considered as waste of time, faulty myopic thinking that offerings of sandalwood to Atash Padshah being waste of sound monetary resources which could have been better utilized for betterment of our community, lack of faith was the reason behind these ignorance’s. Ignorance coupled with arrogance was, and still is the main reason stymieing our spiritual progress.
The Zoroastrian hidden Masters in Demavand who are very much concerned about our community’s spiritual progress saw the need of sending a forerunner before the advent of Shah Behram Varjawand Saheb, and they chose Behramshah Nawroji Shroff whom his followers lovingly call him as Ustad Saheb. He brought amongst us Zoroastrian Mysticism called as Zarathosti Ilme-Khshnoom.
The word Khshnoom can be found even in our scriptures, so it is not something alien that is thrust on us. It is the revival of the lost knowledge called as Ilme-Khshnoom that our forefathers had with them that kept the flame of faith burning in their hearts, that Ustad saheb brought for us. The literature is penned down by his chosen and authorized disciples late Dr. Saheb Faramroze Sohrabji Chiniwala, and Late Jehangirji S. Chinwala.
Late Ervad Phiroze Shapurji Masani had for so many years maintained his publication “Frashogard” all under guidance of Ustad Saheb. Today we see that day by day our faith is again going downhill. The need of Saviour can only be felt when all seems to be lost towards Traditional cause. It is to rekindle that hope and faith and iron out unwarranted fear of our religion dying a premature death that this Blog will be looking forward to. The aim for starting this Blog is to translate the majority of Khshnoom literature that is in Gujarati writings of Late Chiniwala brothers and Late Phiroze Masani for the benefit of those genuinely interested in Zoroastrian Mysticism .
When there is too much of chaos nature allows it only up to a certain threshold limit, once it crosses the limits it puts a
full stop to it, for nature has its own ways of bringing Order out of Chaos.
So in mean time what are we Zarathosti Bastekustian supposed to do that will hasten the advent of Shah Behram Varjawand Saheb ? Are we supposed to look skywards and wait for him eternally ? His advent will much depend upon us also.
In nature there is a law of “Supply and Demand”. If the demand is there, supply is guaranteed. In Bible it is said that "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find it, knock and the doors will open to you." ….. Mathew 7:7 Niv. Unfortunately the much needed knock never seems to happen and everybody is busy enjoying their fun filled moments and warns us to keep off limits of their rights and Freedom. But they seem to forget that behind every right that one asks for, there is a responsibility which is conveniently forgotten.
"RTI" also known as "Right to information"is blatantly misused in today's world of so called Freedom . Some want Freedom to enjoy whatever is appealing to them, but is considered as Taboo in Society. Not before all these false ideology will be swept away by fury of nature and realization of folly will dawn naturally aftermath,nevertheless too late by then, but the road will be paved for introducing Shah Behram Varjawand to the world.
In middle of face-off between two warring sides and Chaos, we will come to know the time of Varjawand Saheb's arrival automatically. As a Mother knows intuitively the time of delivery of the baby, we will feel the desperate pangs of labour like a Mother feels before her delivery.
Right now only a few are longing for his arrival but just as "A lone sparrow does not herald a spring" similarly one requires a collective thought force to set everything in motion. For that I had started a short exercise every 7.30 a.m. in morning but unfortunately we don’t seem to realize its importance. Till we are all vibrating with one frequency, other word is called as Hum Mithra, Varjawand Saheb’s advent will be a distant dream only. The exercise is as under to be followed by a Mithra every 7 a.m. or around that time frame. No need to be very rigid about time. The Mithra is as under:-
What is Hum Mithra:-
Man proposes and God disposes. Hence we requires Dadar Ahura Mazda’s blessings all the time for success and that is known as “Daham Afriti”. Without it we cannot move forward even an inch. But for his Daham Afriti to be assessable to us we require to think with one vibration in Hamoi, only then can we succeed in our purpose. Dadar Ahura Mazda is not happy when there is infighting so how can we receive his Daham Afreeti. This one thought force having selfless single pure vibration is known as Hum Mithra. The Law of cause and effect governs this universe so whatever incidents we see bad or good its cause has to be there. Every action has its reaction. The bad precedent that we are facing now after a crematorium is announced in Worli where innocent public are falling prey to it. Those encouraging Aramgah and such ashmogi are themselves the victims of their own deeds so we have to pity them instead of contempt for them and a calming thought has to be passed by us at a particular time collectively. If love is the language of angels then why should we be harsh to even our so called enemies. For in life there are no enemies, and everything is Karmic. The Bhali Dua is as under:-
Bhali Dua at 0730 am every morning:-
2 Yatha , 1 Ashem Vohu.
Those ignorant brothers and sisters opposing our age old customs of Dokhmenashini and believe in universality of our religion by inviting all to our holy places and Iranshah need our pity and not contempt for they are bitten by the demon of ignorance and arrogance. O Paak Dadar Ahura Mazda shower your choicest blessings upon them that they regain their lost faith and begin realizing that the true nature of religion is humility.
"Let no harm come upon the Traditional Zoroastrian flag and its values which are so dear to us. Let the reformists agenda and their nefarious plans never succeed. Let no harm befall upon Pavmahal of India that is - our Iranshah of Udwada and all Atash Behram, Atash Adran and Dadgah of India. Let not one day pass without Atash Parasti and our reverence towards Holy consecrated Fire(Pavmahal),Dokhmas, Sudreh Kusti, Mathravani which acts as a weapon to thwart evil. Enable us to protect our racial traits of Parsi Panu through Boonak Pasbani. Enable us to maintain our true “Zarathosti Khandani” by not intermarrying and continue with our Aryan Lineage intact. May the advent of Shah Behram Varjawand come soon, and before him may his forerunners arrive at the earliest and grant us spiritual strength to withstand evil around us. Let my Kusti Padiav and my Tarikats be helpful to nature to fight for the cause of righteousness against the evil negative forces of Drujis, and may it protect us all Zarathustis and entire humanity who live by their religion and its tenets. "Phiroj baad Khureh avizeh Vehdin e Mazdiyasnan" - Let the Khoreh of Mazdiyasni Zarathosti deen protect its faithful followers"
1 Yatha, 2 Ashem Vohu
Best regards,
Firdosh K Sukhia
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Mankind and his Cosmic Tryst with other Worlds - Part 1
Mankind and his Cosmic Tryst with other Worlds - Part 1
As explained before, Arvahi are of two kinds. 1) Ulvi Arvahi 2) Sephali Arvahi. Ulvi Arvahi do not harm or interfere with anybody. Sephli Arvahi means lowly hovering Spirits who are invisible to us, but yet can show their appearance if they want to be seen by us and can change into any form. They are prone to deceive humans into committing sins and thereby getting sadistic pleasure of misleading them.
We Zarathusti Bastekustians are forbidden to have any contact or enter into any sort of Karmic obligations with any kind of above mentioned Arvahi’s. In our holy Avesta Manthra itself we can find many references. The daily Kusti prayers that we pray every day mention in Ahuramazda Khudai Pazend Nirang prayers as under:-
Ahuramazda Khodai Ahreeman Avadshan dur avaz dashtar Zad Shekasteh Baad, Ahreeman devan Darujan, jadooan darvandan, keekan, karfan, sastaran, gunehgaran, ashmogaan, darvandan, dushmana, freeyan, Zad Shekasteh Baad.Zad Shekasteh Baad= may the evil intentions of evil persons meet failure and defeat. Such Mithra in Kusti prayers are for those with evil intent. The male Arvahi is called as Jinn and the female Arvahi is called as Pari. But the word “Freeyan” is more relevant to low natured Seephli Arvahi group who are very evil in nature and especially belonging to female “Pari” category. There is no offence meant here, as this has got nothing to do with gender bashing or any show of Chauvinism but what we are discussing here are the truths in nature.
As per explanation in ilme-khshnoom given by Ustad Saheb Behramshah Shroff, Zarathosti Deen has explained in Bundahesh, can also can be known as Zoroastrian Cosmology or “Shrusti Rachna”, there is mention of 12 Hazara. Hazara should not be taken as thousand years or literally as 12 x 1,000 years. Detailed explanation is given later about Hazara. Where it is mentioned that in First Hazara Hasti or Immortal world was created – (Emanations). In the second Hazara Nisti or mortal world was created – (Creation). This planet Earth also known as “Geti” where we human being reside is destined to be destroyed and change itself. This planet Earth which is gross and earthy in nature is situated at the end of Mortal world of Nisti. It can be said that planet Earth is small part of Nisti. That Nisti is represented by vast sea, and in comparison to that vast sea our Earth is like a drop of water in the Sea of vast space known as Nisti.
On that earth where humans reside with their gross body is passing now through evolutionary stage of earthy Ushi. Before that earth and humanity along with it has already passed through Firey, Airey, and Watery stages of Ushi or Orbs. During evolutionary stage of humanity from Earthy Ushi his physical body is now composed of Fravashi+Ruvan+Baodangh+ Keherp+Tevishi+Ushta+Tanu+Azda+Gaetha or nine seams of Divine, Ultra Physical and Physical bodies. He was divided into Male and female parts and finally for his Cataclysmic journey towards attaining perfection was made ready to descend on this earth for his necessary evolution.
Zarathosti Deen Literature we have mention of many “Technical Terms” also known in Khshnoomic parlance as “Loghat”. The terms that concern our understanding of this subject better will be taken now. They are:- 1) Garo-Naman 2) Garo-Deman 3) Drujo-Deman. It is very important for us to understand these three words and its true meaning.
1) Garo-Naman:- a)The dwelling place of Yazats in immortal world of Hasti……..(Ref:- Yajasneh ni Buland Kriya Page 254)
b) A part of heaven in Minoi Asman ……………………………(Ref:- Dr Saheb F.S. Chiniwala Khordeh Avesta Page 173 footnote)
c) Burjisi or 6th Asman of immortal world of Hasti, where Hormuzd works as Spenamino and has “Khales” Adare Froba. (Khales= Ungraded Atash energy on 6th plane, found in its purest form) ……………….(Ref:- Nikiz 2 page 41K)
2)Garo-Deman or Garothman:- The dwelling place Earth or Geti similar to heavens when Ahriman had not yet been able to enter. (In time frame of 3rd Hazara period as explained below).
3) Drujo- Deman:- The dwelling place Earth or Geti when Ahriman managed to tempt human and thus was able to enter. (In time frame of 4th Hazara period as explained below)
Starting from third Hazara till the end of it, the initial Souls that had started descending for their soul-cleansing process on the dwelling place of earth were Souls or Ruvan belonging to “Naman” and had lesser drossiness or “Hoviyat” in comparison to those souls that will follow later on in 4th Hazara. The ignorance varies from soul to soul and those souls having lesser ignorance were send first for their necessary evolution. During that time frame of third Hazara, Yazats themselves would descend this earth, and guide those souls towards path of perfection. During the time frame of third Hazara no need for Paegambar Saheb Zarathustra to descend on this earth with Vendidad or Vedeavodat- law for redemption of Daev as Daevs and Satan had not yet arrived on this earth. The souls in question on the surface of earth did not require much effort, and they were known as original Burjisi Ruvans and for their salvation Yazats themselves stepped on this earth. Although Satan had surrounded the planet Earth but they were unable to step inside. The reason being, original Burjisi Souls having very little “Huviyat” within them were almost on the road to Salvation and were well within their limits and did not heed to the temptation of Satan and hence Satan’s inability to enter Earth. It will be very difficult for us to comprehend the time frame at that time. The Oceans at that time was of sweet water whereas now we have salty Oceans.
At the end of Third Hazara and beginning of Fourth Hazara, Souls belonging to “Deman” having grosser “Hoviyat” than souls of “Naman” of previous Third Hazara started Reincarnating on the earth. These souls having more Hoviyat or Druj within their physical body were more inclined to temptation of Satan. Their weakness was exploited immediately by Satan and he managed to infiltrate on this earth. The “Deman” souls were prone to succumbing to carnal Passions and temptation of Ahriman worked effortlessly like a hot knife melting and cutting the butter with ease. This is allegorically explained in other scriptures as well as our Zoroastrian School of Thought of “Ilme-Khshnoom ni Maktab” as below:-
Initially Adam and Eve were residing in Garden of Eden (Garothman). They were forbidden to taste certain fruits. Satan in form of Snake tempted them into eating that fruit. The moment Adam tasted the forbidden fruit offered by Eve they realized of their nakedness and their folly.
Adam & Eve succumbing to Satan’s temptation in Garden of Eden
King Zohak with 2 snakes on his shoulders
It was from beginning of fourth Hazara that this planet Earth became Drujo-Deman literally meaning dwelling place of Druj. Except for one third of earth which in Avesta is called as “Aivithrishwa” remained free from Druji pollution on earth. Even today we all are residing on this earth known as Drujo-Deman.
In Shahnamah another allegory of King Zohak who had two serpents growing on his shoulder, which represented in-satiated greed. Every day victims brain was offered to satiate snakes hunger, and snakes refused to die even though their head was cut off. Mankind was now in total control of Azidahak the evil Satan.Rule of Zohak marked the beginning of Drujo-Deman world and Self-gratification, sensuousness and depriving others from their rightful share became order of the day.
During the time frame of Third Hazara when Satan was unable to enter this earth because the Original Burjisi souls of “Naman” did not take heed to Satan’s temptations and Yazats resided and guided them on earth. Their rule extended to“HaftaKeshwar” and covered whole of Nisti. With their righteous powers they were respected even by “Pari’, who were so infatuated, obsessed and attracted towards man of “Naman”. But the original Burjis “Naman” Souls had complete control over the passions and they did not take heed to temptation of Satan who had surrounded the earth but were unable to enter it so far.
At commencement of Fourth Hazara when weak minded “Deman” souls having grosser “Hoviyat” and deficiency of divine knowledge thus sinful, started descending this earth Although they were descendants from Original Burjisi Souls of third Hazara, they succumbed to temptations of Satan which Arvahi Pari offered to them. The “Ishaq-bazi” or Romantic Rendezvous between Humans and Sephli Arvahi Pari remained unhindered and humanity was now in complete clutches of Satan. It is for the above mentioned reason that in our Pazand Kusti prayers says “Zad Shekasteh Baad” or defeat to “Freeyan” which applies to “Sephli Arvahi” and particularly “Pari” or female counterpart of Arvahi souls. That is how humanity did succumb to the Satan’s temptations.
In Nisti also called as Mortal World, evolution of an Arvahi is completely different from that of a human being. The unlawful union or “Ishaq-bazi” between Pari belonging to “Arvahi Alam” or other planes where Arvahi dwell, and humans with earthy physical body dwelling on this earth reached to such proportion that there was faceoff or Wars between them, and humanity had to accept defeat from Arvahi. This is narration and events that happened during fourth Hazara.
Reverting to Zarvan, we are in the fourth Zarvane Akarneh Boundless cycle of Time. As per “Zarvane Daregho-khadat Tavil” taught in Khshnoom it may be stated that the boundless time frame known as Zarvane Akarneh consists of innumerable Zarvaneh Dareghokhadateh ( Siroza 21) of 81,000 years each. According to nature’s curriculum every cycle of 81,000 years of a Zarvaneh Daegha is followed by a World Deluge caused by glaciers due to a slight rise in temperature over the freezing point towards the North Pole. This deluge while it submerges the whole of known material world, opens up the Aivithrishwa ( Yt. 13,3) the holy one-third of the earth globe(unknown to scholars) which has been buried under the mountain deep snow (Vendidad 2,22) in the Arctic region. In this Paragraph of Vendidad the falling of this snow was foretold to King Jamshid by AhuraMazda. “Yim” which is the “Humkar” or Co-worker of Khurshed Yazat revive this planet earth before Gayomard and his Anjuman come down on this earth.
Here in Aivithrishwa is “Airyana Vaeja” (literally land bearing noble seeds engendering righteousness etc) where holy Zarathustra was born. After an average period of some 27,000 years there is intense cold on “Airyana Vaeja” owing to which the population moves down to the plains from “Mount Alborz” and Airyana Vaeja is again buried under the snow, and the known material world becomes active again.
During each of the 81,000 years within the current 4th Zarvana Akarana (literally meaning Zarvan or time frame without any end or beginning akar neh=without any “Kinara” or border, boundary),souls with deficiency of divine knowledge and hence sinful, pass through the processes of spiritual Reformation, in which they are bifurcated into sexes, and 1/10th of both sexes is sub-divided into animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, and then they take birth on this earth, benighted by the Veil of Darkness and governed by the laws of Akem-akai (Ysn. 43,5) evil to evil. On the earth they undergo condign punishments, which may be as severe as the pouring of burning, ore (Ysn. 51,9) over the body. Then at death they go to the sky (Thwasha), the Veil of Darkness disappears, and there gradually develop their Rae, inward divine knowledge, and come to the earth again with the Veil of Darkness -- and so the story repeats and repeats automatically (khadata), till Druj, which is the objective point in all these come-and-go is transmuted into Gao, blissfulness (as of cow-kind). This automatic shuttling between the sky and the earth is called in Avesta “Thwasha-khadata” (Vd. 19,13). Thwasha is the cycle of one human life-time, which is the smallest among Zurvans.
Reference:- Manual of Khshnoom by P.N. Tavaria Page 199
Parallel to above mentioned narration as disclosed by Ilme-Khshnoom we can find such references also available in other holy scriptures such as Bible in Chapter of “Genesis” mentioning Noah’s Arch.
So coming back to our main topic that this earth becomes fit for habitation after the previous deluge. In the beginning of latest 81,000 years’ time cycle of Zarvaneh Daregho-Khadateh (ZDK) that we are living in, after the waters of previous deluge recedes and after a lull of 27,000 years period of time the righteous souls that had lived together in Airyana Vaeja in “Mount Alborz” starts descending down under able leadership of “Gayomard”. As previously explained this world is now called as Drujo-Deman since Satan has already entered this planet earth because of weakness shown by humans in 4th Zarvaneh Akerneh as mentioned in allegory of Adam and Eve narration and humans succumbing to the temptations. Compared to the Arvahis or Daevas who poses knowledge upto 4th Gahambar humans are of no match to them. As soon as this Earth again becomes ready for habitation the Daevas or Arvahi who are companions of Ahriman,Satan descends down on this earth first and take control, before Gayomard and his Anjuman comes down from Mount Alborz. The Daevas or Seephli Arvahi, who are evil in nature have no knowledge of the fifth Gahambar of give and take or “Kharid-Farokht”, thus spread materialism, destruction and Dev-yasni amongst few mislead humans who do not follow path as shown in various religions take control of this earth once again.
As mentioned in Firdausi’s Shah-namah there is constant war going on between the “Turanians”, “Iranians” and the “Daevas”. One should be clear when we talk about those three. The Turans and Iranians are both humans and related to one another. The Iranians are followers of white side “Yazdan Parast” and follow righteous path as shown in our deen, whereas Turanians are descendants of Iran only but they are followers of Evil ways of Daevas. For example King “Afrasiab” or King “Zohak” who are both Turanians follow the path of Devyasni whereas “Rathestar” or warrior Rustom the Paladin destroyer of many Daevas was on the side of Iran. Although Afraisab seemed to be on side of Daevs, he possessed “Ture Frangaz” as mentioned in Avesta with which he used to antagonize Daevs and their Sorcery out of the hiding, and thereby exposing them to Iranian Warriors or Rathestars and thus in the process he being the reason for their destruction. ……………Reference:- Parsee Avaz. dated 30.8.1959
Whereas Rustam has special place in Shah-namah, just as Paigambar saheb is called as “Aivo”, so too Rustom is the one and only one who is unconquerable, and not even his Son Sohrab could defeat him. The tragic tale of Rustom and Sohrab is heart rendering in Shah-namah. Jehan Pehlvan Rustam had been passed from certain Yasnas and he had for his protection “Dami Upman” Yazat. To his right side was protection of Sherevar Ameshahspand and to his left side was protection of Fatehgar Firozgari Behram Yazad. He with help of Simurg Abed or (Sin Amru Abed) got his Horse Raksha. The armour that he wore known as Babrebiyan was kept in a Talimanic Abode of Jamshed Var which was to be given to him for his use later. Ruvan of Rustam was “Aojomand” and always protected him in different form and many ways unknown to us at the time of his need.
…………..Reference:- Parsee Avaz dated 6.9.1959
The need for Shah-namah and its above mentioned descriptions is solely to channel our thoughts in right direction that only “Rathestars” and other “Nar” with such Calibre and Superhuman strength belonging to white side of nature can fight against these Daevs.
The Daevas on one side and “Peshdadian” and “Kyanian” Emperors along with many “Rathestar” Like Gev, Jaal, Zarir, Bejon, Burjor, Faramarz and Rustom “Paoryotakesh Nar” and “Nabanazdiz Nar” on other side were at constant loggerhead wars between one another. For a period of 4,000 years the Irani Mazdayasnan Parast Shah and many Pehelvans kept check of onslaught of Daevas, Arvahis whose main aim was to stall spiritual progress and bring to halt the very machinery that aimed for Frashogard. The Daevas succeeded up to a certain extent but when elemental clouds of “Saen Daruji” blew to unimaginable proportion known as “TurehBradvaksh” or “Turbaratur” which threatened the very existence of this planet Earth then Geush –Urva soul of this Mother earth lamented for a Saviour. Paigambar Saheb can only dissipate the elemental of “Turbaratur” that too in the end after his final mission of eliminating Daevas from surface of this earth was over. The under mentioned image is just a picturesque representation for better understanding deadly clouds of “Turbaratur” threatening to destroy the planet Earth.
Destructive Elemental clouds of “Turbaratur” hovering over Mother Earth
Next we will discuss Nisti sequentially and many worlds within.
…………………… be Continued in Part 2
Kind regards,
Monday, November 26, 2012
A true incident of a Jinn living amongst humans.- Part 3
Rafu’s father later took Akhtar on world tour along with Rafu to various places of the world like African Continent, Italy, Turkey, China, Japan, Arabia, Iran all within flash of closing and opening of his eyes. All corners of the world were toured by them and writing it in details by Akhtar, a book titled “My World Tour” from his diary his unfinished job till now. Whether he has accomplished that feat by now is unknown by the writer of Parsee Avaz. It must have taken him years to record historical account of facts and events experienced by him and arranged in Chronological order in form of a book from his diary. As I said before this article had appeared first in “Kismet” Monthly Magazine but was initially and originally written in “The Intermediate College Magazine Aligarh” by Mr M. A. A. Hami. Mr. Hami writes further that suddenly Akhtar whilst in midst of making world tour finds himself suddenly in “Aara” home town of Rafu where he had met Rafu’s father in a Cave. It was early morning time and he saw Rafu seated on a couch in Diwankhana before him. The sudden turn of events in a fraction of a second surprised Akhtar into disbelief. But he also found the diary and all the narration that he had written from his world tour in his pocket. Akhtar doubted whether Rafu’s father had mesmerized him into believing of his world tour, but he immediately became conscious of the diary in his pocket where he had meticulously written about his World travel in details. But that meant that he had actually visited all the places in world and proof was lying in his pocket, and it was not some sort of Mesmerism playing tricks over his imagination gone awry. Akhtar did not know what to believe and what to discard as some bad dream. His condition at that time was like a lunatic at loss of words which did not make sense of all events summed up which occurred in front of his eyes.
Rafu took Akhtar to a room where choicest of food was spread on table to be served. Rafu’s father came inside that room and looked in direction of Akhtar, as he wanted to brief him about something. Rafu’s father continued further and asked him whether Europe did possess the fine science of making a world tour merely by sitting in a room and closing one’s eyes. ??? Akhtar replied in negative. That Science is called as “ilme- Roohani” or Spiritual Science, whereas Europe can only boast of Materialistic Science. “Jinn” and “Pari” or “Arvahi” are very much conversant with Spiritual Science known as “ilme- Roohani”, whereas Westerners are not even aware that such a Science can Co-exist in this material world. With help of this Science Jinn and Pari can travel in fraction of a second from one corner of world to another, be present there and can see, hear whatever is happening over there. If required “Jinn” can make themselves invisible and can change their form and body to whatever they want, and can go wherever they want. They dwell in world invisible to humanity in different dimensions and in lower planes. With help of this Science jinn can never become ill. Like humans they too are susceptible to death. The only difference between them and humans is that Jinn can lead a pious life where as humans are prone to temptations. If humans can develop their higher senses (Editor’s Note:- By observing various methods of Tarikats as shown in their own Religion in which they are born), by having faith on inner capabilities of dormant spiritual faculties so within, than there is hardly any difference between Jinn and human beings. This science belongs to Arabs and their predecessors with the help of this science were capable of making a dead man alive. In India very few Tantric Yogis that can be counted on finger tips are aware of this knowledge.
After some briefing done by Rafu’s father all three of them sat on dining table where breakfast was kept. To Akhtar’s surprise he noticed several set of hands without body Torso helping themselves with the food kept on table. This was too much for Akhtar to see and believe and he immediately fainted over there.
As he regained from his stupor and jolt that he had received he found himself lying on a couch of waiting room of Patna Railway station. Now accustomed and prone to receiving startling surprises one after another he got up and mingled in the crowd of railway station heading towards his home – hostel of Aligarh Muslim University where he belonged and was yearning for a good rest and sleep for he was very much tired physically as well as mentally.
On that very day he was feeling feverish and fever persisted for five days and refused to go. On sixth day his fever subsided and he received a letter from postman. The letter was from Rafu. He immediately opened the letter and read it. Rafu told him in the letter never to disclose whatever had transpired between the two of them and keep everything under wrap as a well-guarded secret. Rafu further wrote in the letter that every day Akhtar will daily be receiving a hundred Rupee note from below his pillow where he sleeps and that will take care of his education and daily expenses throughout his life. Perhaps Rafu added in his letter he might meet him later.
From the very next day onwards Akhtar began receiving hundred Rupee note daily which manifested by itself from under his pillow. He was surprised and dazed as to how such a thing can happen which had no rational logic behind it. He kept on receiving hundred rupee note daily for three consecutive months. His family and his class mates began wondering at the sudden flow of his unaudited income, even though he was not employed anywhere.
Human being is prone to making mistakes and such was the case with Akhtar also. Upon daily inquiry from his maternal uncle about his unknown source of income Akhtar finally came out with his little secret and told him the truth. From the very next day he stopped receiving hundred rupee note from under his pillow, and also received a letter from Rafu. The contents of the letter are as under:-
Date:-12th September,1926.
Place:- Aara
Dear Akhtar,
I hope you are in good of health. Perhaps this may be my last letter to you. I am deeply saddened that in spite of my repeatedly cautioning you were unable to keep the little secret about us within your belly. Whatever has happened has happened and I cannot undo it. But since you are my friend I do not want to drag the matter more about it. I have disclosed my real identity and put before you every truth about me and my father, and the special knowledge he possessed.
I had always considered you to be my true friend and had always loved you. I always admired you and loved you like a true friend, but was disappointed that you finally betrayed me in the end. I do not blame you, for humans are like that only and they betray your faith, and are always prone to temptations.
Perhaps I may meet you again in future, but you may not recognize me. I am even telling you the Venue beforehand where we will meet again. “Elphinstone Picture Palace” is the place where we will meet again.
This will be my last conversation with you as I will never contact you again. Alvida!!
Yours loving Friend,
This is the end of the narration of true incident. Kismet Monthly Magazine in which this article appeared was titled as “Rafu”.
I repeat what I had said before in the beginning, that there was some person in the past, and even now in present who claim to have met some Saheb and describing the huge palace, illuminated with lots of lights, where non vegetarian food of Fish, Mutton and Alcohol was freely available and consumed over there. One can easily relate such a narration with the above mentioned true incident and compare of its authenticity. One thing is clear from the above narration of true incident, the lifestyle and the luxury enjoyed by these Jinn and Pari living in some unseen dimension. We also know now as to how a Jinn can draw a person towards their dwelling place.
For establishing contact with Asho Abed Saheb one require to be eligible first by following and observing Tarikats in minute details. If there is absence of following even basic fundamental Tarikats then that person’s claim is to be doubted. Perhaps as per Late Jehangirji Chiniwala he may have come in contact with a “Sephli Arvahi” who has fooled him into a belief. Those persons using only their personal intelligence to conclude on observations put forward by others that is known in Khshnoomic parlance as “Akal e Imkan dar Nafs”. Such a person not using his own Kherad, but relying only on his so called adopted conjectures is prone to misadventure. ( Ref:- P.A. 12.02.1967 Pg 3).
Whatever was to be known from Zarathosti ilme-khshnoom point of view has been narrated above. In Islam religion much has been written and known about it in their holy scriptures.
But a Zarathosti Bastekustian is forbidden to associate under any karmic obligations with a Jinn, Pari.
Akhtar received with help of Rafu monetary benefits. All this is possible because of the special powers possessed by Jinn. This narration can be considered as an eye opener and one should tread with caution about any belief thrust upon us and use our god given intelligence or earned “Kherad” to separate chaff from the wheat by getting to the bottom of truth.
This series in three parts has been concluded.
Editor’s Note:- My next article will be somewhat more related to this article only, where in much more can be written about “Arvahi”. It’s knowledge about many sciences and our ignorance of its existence. The evil spells of “Adha Mantra” that can be cast upon humans, and Sorcerers taking help of Jinn in casting a spell. The science behind Black Magic that can harm progress of a human. And side by side science of White Magic that is only used for spiritual benefits moving one closer to Frashogard and Avesta Manthra associated with it. The many cures and shield provided in our religion as preventive measures towards cast of evil spells.
Kind regards,
Firdosh K. Sukhia
Monday, November 19, 2012
A true incident of a Jinn living amongst humans.- Part 2
Akhtar’s eyes fell immediately on Rafu’s father, and as mark of respect Akhtar saluted with traditional Muslim Salaam, Rafu’s father reciprocated back with other Salaam to Akhtar. After having greeted each other Akhtar felt humble enough not to look straight in his eyes as he intuitively felt that that he was standing before a pious personality. All three of them then proceeded towards a palatial room decorated with antiques and rich style. Whole room was decorated with Iranian Carpets which prompted Akhtar into belief that he was in the enchanting World of wonderland of Aleef-Laila which reminded him of Castle of Allaudin Badshah in it. As time passed by Akhtar kept on looking at surroundings dumbstruck with awe and amazement. He kept on wondering whether this was not his imagination playing tricks on him but everything looked so real to him. After having a hearty meal together Rafu had a confession to make to Akhtar. He told him as a matter of fact that in reality there was supposed to be no marriage , or get together later but it was just an excuse to bring him here and to introduce to his father, who was so eager to meet Akhtar.
The next day Rafu took Akhtar again to his father. This time the topic of discussion was to be “The Western and Eastern Civilization and various Sciences’ attached to it”. As three of them sat together Rafu’s father started his conversation explaining about Europe and American Civilisation and how they have made materialistic progress by inventing flying machines like jet airplanes, wireless Radio, Zeppelin. He went on further that he will demonstrate to Akhtar as to how Eastern Civilisation and it’s Sciences’ were far superior than Western Sciences’ by actually making him travel in time without help of any aircraft to various places of the world in fraction of a second by merely closing his eyes and thinking about that place in his mind’s eye. Rafu’s father requested Akhtar to close his eyes shut and to sit calmly at one place. Now he requested him to name any City of the world to his liking. Akhtar blurted out the name of Paris. He was told to open his eyes now. To his amazement and surprise the next moment Akhtar saw him seated in a Suite of a very famous Hotel in Paris and immediately next to him was Rafu and his father waving at him with glee seated nearby a window. Immediately Akhtar instinctively took a peek out of the hotel window and what he saw was a bird’s eye view of Paris city busy streets with countless cars moving and shining their lights like diamonds on a necklace, the hustle and bustle of innumerable Tram Cars shuttling to and fro in the Metropolitan city of Paris, and the jostle of sea of humanity on busy streets out to make a living in rat race known as life. The three of them descended from the hotel and came down on the streets of Paris. Upon inquiry of the name of the Hotel they were in he was told that famous hotel was called as Hotel “The Continent” and had more than thousand attached Suites and rooms in it, and was built at the cost of 80 lakhs. Rafu’s father hired a Taxi and all three of them sat in it, Rafus’ father giving instructions to Chauffeur of the destination and speaking in French with him. Akhtar wondered with amazement about proficiency and fluency with which Rafus’ father spoke French with the Chauffeur. Akhtar began recording all his travels in a diary. Later on they also went in Cinema talkies in Paris where door keeper allowed them to go inside without asking them for valid entry tickets.
Hotel Continent Paris, France
Hotel Alexandra City of London
Cathedral of Assumption Moscow, Kremlin
World Tour with a Jinn:-
As if this was not enough Rafus’ father inquired whether he would like to tour City of London. Akhtar gulped air in his dry throat, his Adams apple moving up and down and blurted “yes” as if he had any choice. This time again he was told to shut his eyes and lay still at one place. He opened his eyes and the next moment he was in Hotel Alexandra in City of London sipping hot Coffee with Rafu and his father. They visited all places worth seeing in London which was meticulously recorded by Akhtar in his travel diary.
After London the next stop was New York. They visited Grande Oriental Hotel in New York and from the hotel balcony were able to see the city of New York. Like that they visited California, San Francisco, Hollywood, and Boston where he was introduced to a Bengali Student by the name of Mr. Sarkar. Since it was lengthy trip all was recorded in Akhtar’s dairy but is not shown here. For details one can refer the Kismet Magazine article.
Again Akhtar was made to close his eyes shut, this time they visited Berlin in Germany. The distance between Berlin and America is vast but still the travel between two places took place in fraction of a second with closing and opening of the eyes. Readers can surmise the science possessed by Djinn which today’s western world can never dream of acquiring it. In Berlin they visited famous Central Hotel. The most amazing part was without anybody objecting to their entry they were allowed to enter in any hotel unhindered. The other amazing part was Rafus’ Jinn father was like a Professor able to speak in any tongue the local language as if he had mastery over all spoken languages of the world. From there they went to “Vimer” where they visited the resting place of famous Poet known as “Geteh”. All the details are noted in Akhtar’s diary and many places visited in Germany were taken note of.
The next trip after closing eyes was Russia. Upon opening eyes Akhtar found himself in “Hotel Krusho”, from there they visited Cathedral of Assumption, Moscow. Rafu’s father narrated that the French army when they looted Russia they took all the booty from the Cathedral of Assumption Moscow in terms of five tons of Gold, and five tons of Silver, and plenty of Jewellery. They also viewed one of the wonders of the world and saw the Giant Bell of Moscow with portray of “Tzarelexis” and “Zarinayeni” carved beautifully on the giant Bell itself.
The Great bell of Moscow, Kremlin
The Great Pyramids of Egypt :-
Again Akhtar was told to close his eyes shut, this time he thought that it must be 10 o’clock in the morning and when he turned his head around he noticed himself to be middle of desert where the great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was visible to his unbelieving eyes. As usual he was told by Rafu’s father who seemed to be knowing the world’s history at his fingertips that this Pyramid wad built by “Pharaoh” the King of Egypt and is thousands of years old structure that he was looking at. The biggest Pyramid was built by king Cheops of Egypt. It occupies 12 Acres of land and is 732 square feet in width and 460 feet in height and is stuffed with 8.5 Crores Cubic feet of material in it. It took 20 years to be built, and it took 6,63,000 (Six lakhs sixty three thousand) workers to build it. They also saw Pyramids of Sphinx which is human headed lion seated near the Pyramids, which is five thousand years old structure.
Pyramids of Cheops
Pyramids of Giza
The Sphinx Pyramid
The ever wise Rafu’s father continued with Akhtar as his tourist Guide and said that the knowledge possessed by the Arabs was much more than all the sciences put together by European world. As per Rafu’s father Arabs were much more advanced in many sciences whereas Europe was still Barbaric.
Editor’s Note:-
We all know from where the Arabs got their knowledge that is from the Persians partly by persuasion and mainly by threatening them with force of sword. As in Shahnamah Firdausi Tusi says that Arabs were Bedouins, Nomads living on lizard’s meat and Camel’s milk.
Thus Firdausi Tusi in his Grand Epic Shah Namah or Book of Kings says :-
1) Toh inra darugho fasanah madan;
Ba yaksan ravesh dar Zamanah madan.
You do not consider this narration (in shah namah) as fairy tales, useless or false ;
All Zamanahs are not same (yaksan),they keep on changing from time to time, and things which were possible in one Zamanah is impossible in another Zamanah .
2) Badin Namah Umgraha Boguzard;
Bekhanad haran kas ,ke darad kherad.
This namah (shah namah) will remain vibrantly alive in hearts forever ;
For those who has Kherad will understand what i mean when i say that that today we are incomplete, whilst formerly our ancestors were complete as descended from our original Bunyaad .
3) Paragandah dar daste har mubadee;
Az Barahi Bordeh har beh khradih.
I have collected fragments of narrations(in Pahalvi) from different Mobeds;
All this narrations were destroyed by fanatics ( in 9 th century A.D),which can be observed from history.
4) Pur amad zeh shahan jehanra kafiz;
nehan shud zaroh gasht payda pashiz.
World (jehanra) has experienced deluge and calamities;
wherein the golden qualities (zaroh)like selfless service has disappeared, and selfish attitude which is like shell or kauri (pashiz) has been reinstated or born (payda).
5) Haman zezasht shud khuboh , shud khub zezasht;
Shud raheh-Duzukh padid az Behesht.
What once was considered bad (zezasht) has been legitimised now, and what was considered good (khub) has been condemned as bad now ;
Path to hell (duzukh) became visible,where as golden path to heaven( Behesht) became obscured.
6) Degar gunah shud Charkheh-Gardaan bachehar;
Zeh Azadgan pak bubrid Meher.
The (planetary aspects )Celestial sphere or dome is now spinning (charkeh-Gardaan) in a different manner ;
Those who were free from vices(azadgan) and god fearing (pak),the shelter of meher was lifted away from them.
7) Negunsar shud Takhteh-Sassaneh yan;
Azan zezasht kerdareh Iranian.
The Sassanian throne (which was azadgan) has been overturned ;
The bad( zezasht)deeds (kerdar)of Iranians ( mixed marriage, conversions ) was the reason for their downfall.
8) Zeh shireh-Shutor khurdanoh sus-mar;
Arbara Bajaie rasidast kar.
Those Arabs (Arbara) who drink milk of camel (shireh sutor) and who eat flesh of Lizards;
The fanatism of Arabs (Arbara)has reached upto such unbearable proportion.
9) Keh takhteh Kyanra kunad aarzooyeh;
Tofuh Bad bar Charkheh-Gardaan Tofuh.
That they desire (Arzooyeh) to possess the throne of Kyaniyan dynasty(takhteh kyanra);
Oh Revolving skies or Planets(Charkeh gardaan),it is shameful(Tofuh) that such fanatics are being encouraged.
10) Benahahe abad Gardad Kharab;
Zeh Barano Az Tabesheh-Aftab.
Pay afgandam Az nazma kakhe-Baland,
Ke Az bado Baran neyabad gazand.
Gigantic civilizations consisting of earthy Tall Buildings and Palaces or whatever can be build by Khakh or earth which were once Abad or at its Zenith peak ;
will someday bite the dust due to Rain water (baran) and Sun (Aftab),
But this Palace of epic poetry which i have made will remain immortal in such a way, that cyclonic winds (bado) or Torrential Rains (Baran) cannot even touch or destroy my Shah Namah epic.
That Firdausi Tusi's Poems glorified Zarthusti Din is evident from his poetry ,although he proclaimed himself to be follower of Islam in public, but his Bataen or hidden faith surely belonged to Zarthushti din which is evidently narrated as under :-
11) Sue-Gumbad-azar arid Ruuy ,
Ba farmane-paygambare-rast guuy.
You face in the direction of Atash Kebla (gumbade-Azar) which connects one to Ruuy of Hormuzd ,
It is farman or directive of Paygambar to stand in humility before Holy fire
12) Ba Yazdan ke hargez na binad behesht ,
Kasi ku nadarad rahe-Zardohesht.
I speak with truth of Yazdan, that they will never attain Behesht or heaven,
who do not (nadarad) follow the path (rahe) of Zarathustra ( Zardohesht) .
13) Rahe Boot-parasti parag-dah Shud,
Ba Yazdan-parasti pur agandah shud.
After the spread of Zarthushti Din the path (rahe) of Boot-parasti or Evil Black Magic which is selfish attitude has come to an end,
And Yazdan Parasti has been spread in every particle of this universe.
14) Pur Az Nur-e-Yezad Bebud Dakhmah,
Yaz aludgi pak shud Takhmah.
Let there be free flow of Yazatic Noor in Dokhmas;
so that the contagion (aludagi) associated with Tokham or seed of Zoroastrian becomes pure (pak).
Firdausi Tusi’s above mentioned 12th couplet is so forceful in nature that one would immediately doubt as to how a Poet with a Muslim name praise so much about Zoroastrian religion and that too with such conviction and unfalteringly faith. From where did he get so much faith.
Let us think about it.
Kind regards,
Firdosh K. Sukhia
.............. to be Continued in Part 3
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A true incident of a Jinn living amongst humans.- Part 1
{ Editor’s Note:- The under mentioned article Reference is from :- Parsee Avaz dated 05.02.1967 Volume 20 Issue 32. This article is in continuation to previous part where in it was explained as to how an Ashwan of Demavand Koh who are bounded in their own Karsh and remain within it and does not venture out of it for they are bounded in their natural functions of fighting against dark forces in nature relentlessly 24 x 7x 365 days throughout the year. That work is best done within the perimeters set by them and bounded by holy Karsh which are invisible to prying human eyes, and ordinary humans like us. They prefer to remain within Karsh and never venture out of it.
There were in past and even now in present who claim to have come in contact with holy Ashwan in polluted atmosphere of Cosmopolitan City like Bombay and who seem to have imaginary guided inspiration from Holy Ashwan saheb. But as per late Jehangirji Chiniwala Saheb as he had written in past that such a person’s claim seems to be false and he could have never had any contact with holy Ashwan Saheb but possibly could have come in contact with an “Arvahi” or Djinn who can easily fool a person into a belief. For such a Djinn has unimaginable powers and today’s science is like a child’s play for them.
An entity known as Djinn also called as “Arvahi” in Khshnoomic parlance can live with humans without us knowing of its true identity. A True incident of Djinn in Aligarh Muslim University is given below and narrated in Gujarati in above mentioned Parsee Avaz by Dinshaw Cawasji Sidhwa of Udwada. I have in my own way translated the article from Gujarati in free flowing English using the first person narrative of the original author. This article had appeared first in “Kismet” Monthly Magazine but was initially and originally written in “The Intermediate College Magazine Aligarh” by Mr M. A. A. Hami. Mr Hami the Original writer had written as to how one Mr. Akhtar Imam Razvi had narrated about his true experience. Such a story seems to be lifted out and out from Persian Nights, Arabian Nights, or Chinese tales. These seemingly appearing fairy tales or folk lore’s which many of us refuse to believe in it are quiet natural as we are living in different period of time frame. But that does not justify of its non-existence, and the fast lifestyle that we are leading only takes us further away from the truth. It is but natural that one would doubt such a thing as possible in age of Gizmos and Gadgets and is logical question a critic would ask these days. But lo behold we have plenty of surprise in stores for us. It does not mean that what we cannot see and understand is not possible in nature. For these Djinn are Masters of many Sciences and are far too advanced creatures. Their elementary body constitution is different than a human being and they try to take help of humans for they too have to evolve spiritually. Man is the best creation of God almighty for it is through Mankind only that this earth will achieve its Salvation. Frashogard of Humanity = Frashogard of Earth, which is a long distant event but nevertheless will definitely occur in very long distant future. During the times of Paigambar saheb when these Djinn were at their meanest best and the mother earth’s soul Geush Urva lamented the torture she had to endure by the evil nature of Arvahi, our Paigamber saheb sealed all the entrances on this earth and defeated these evil Djinns to submission. Earth became free from their evil clutches. But now today with humans inclining towards evil ways some of these Arvahis are set loose by evil deeds of mankind, although they cannot be so rampant as the times before advent of Paigamber saheb. There are two types of Djinn or Arvahi. 1) Ulvi 2) Sephli. Ulvi arvahi does not harm anybody but Sephli Arvahi are evil in nature. In short a Zoroastrian is not supposed to have any association or take any help from both types of Djinn or Arvahi for many reasons. The main reason, they do not help us for free as we have to give it back with tax what we have taken from them and that will put hurdles in our spiritual progress for they dwell in lower planes. To repay them we have to wait in lower planes for eons of years in company of hovering sprits which is not a very good experience, where as we Bastekustian Zarathustis have to move much further up towards Chinvat, and beyond which is our original dwelling place. The above brief explanation is necessary for readers to understand the meaning of Arvahi or Djinn.}
A true incident of a Jinn living amongst humans.- Part 1
By Dinshaw Cawasji Sidhwa (Udwada)
Now coming back to our main article which was narrated by Mr. Akhtar Imam Rizvi in Kismet Monthly Magazine. Mr Akhtar along with his friend Rafeuddin were batch mates studying together in famous Aligarh Muslim University in Intermediate College level. Mr Akhtar was staying with his Maternal uncle in the city, where as Rafeuddin was staying in hostel of Aligarh Muslim University. They had within their friend circle some six to seven class mates along with them. Rafeuddin was known as Rafu within his friend circle. Rafu and Akhtar got acquainted with each other during college days and were like closed knit friends knowing each other’s families also. Mr Akhtar was originally from “Hazaribaug” whereas Rafu was originally from a place known as “Aara” Rafu and Akhtar being very close to each other took part in college sports together. Akhtar was more inclined towards western ways of lifestyle which Rafu showed his dislike towards western ways of lifestyle, and was more comfortable with eastern ideas. Together Akhtar and Rafu passed B.A. University exams, and enrolled their names together for further studies in law. Akhtar noticed that his friend staying in university hostel had a clean and sparklingly tidy room was very finicky about cleanliness surrounding him, and wore sparking clean clothes. He lived in holy atmosphere and the ambience within his hostel room was holy and was surprisingly draped everything with green colour. He had in his room all famous personalities’ photo frames which were covered in green frames. Rafu was obsessed with Green colour, even his window frames, bed frames his Sherwani clothes were all green in colour.
One day when Akhtar went to Rafu’s hostel room for greeting him he was sitting in a depressed mood. Akhtar asked Rafu the reason for his depression and he replied that the very reason for which he was reticent about his father was persistent and indicated that his son Rafu should get married and settled in life soon. His father had written to him in letter that he should marry within this month only. Rafu asked Akhtar not to disclose this small secret to anybody as he will take sick leave for fifteen days from the Principal of the Aligarh University and proceed to his home town of “Aara” for his weddings and will resume his college after the function is over within 15 days. He requested Akhtar to meet him at “Aara” next day and to book for himself Express train ticket for he has to be a witness to his marriage. Rafu requested Akhtar to do everything discreetly. After having taken Principal’s permission Rafu set for his home town “Aara” on that very day. The very next day Akhtar boarded four o’clock Express train and headed for “Aara” where he was to meet his best friend Rafu about to be married. Rafu was ready at “Aara” station to receive him. He had even arranged for a car ready to take Akhtar with his belongings to his place. The car moved along narrow streets and city road westwards towards country side where habitation of humans become scarcer till they reached a very secluded place where a lone bungalow stood on a vacant plot of land. Rafu got down from the car carrying Akhtar’s belonging and Akhtar followed him silently wondering where he is taking him to a lonely spot.
To Akhtar’s surprise Rafu lead him straight to a nearby Cave at a secluded spot. By this time Akhtar was falling short of patience and immediately inquired to rafu where he was leading him to. For surely this cave was definitely not the place where Rafu was supposed to get married as he did not see any trace of guests waiting for him in this secluded lonely spot. He inquired the whereabouts of marriage party and hustle bustle atmosphere that normally accompany a marriage party. Rafu pointed out towards the Cave and indicated with a gesture that they are supposed to go in a Cave where everything required for marriage is arranged in it. By this time Akhtar sensed that something was amiss and doubted Rafu’s sanity for leading him to a lonely secluded spot in front of a Cave.
Rafu’s eyes shone with eagerness for he knew the time had arrived for him to disclose to his close dear friend Akhtar, few facts of which he was ignorant of. Rafu told Akhtar not to be afraid of the cave and with a firm mind once and for all step in it. On seeing Akhtar’s hesitation Rafu blurted out to him that I am about to disclose a very personal secret to you. The very next moment Rafu with a serious face told Akhtar that my dear friend the time has arrived for you to know the truth which I am about to tell you. But you must promise me not to panic and hear what I have to say to you with a calm mind. After saying this Rafu immediately was immersed in his thoughts as he was searching for words to be said to his dear friend Akhtar. Rafu retorted next that “My dear friend Akhtar,I am a Djinn”. Akhtar Immediately after hearing what Rafu had said to him felt giddy and weak in his knees drop on the ground unconscious. What happened next was any body’s guess and when Akhtar regained his self and opened his eyes he saw that he was sleeping on a bed and surrounding him were many beautiful damsels. Akhtar doubted if it was not a dream and he bit his finger to know the truth. He later on was convinced that this was no dream of his but was a reality. He opened and closed his eyes for a few moments and the Damsels surrounding him began giggling at his funny gesture. At that particular moment Akhtar was not ready to accept what was happening to him and believed that his situation was similar to Abu- al-Hassan in fairy tales of Arabian Nights. In Arabian Nights Abu- al-Hassan too was at loss of words as to where he had arrived in some magic spot. With fear writ all over his face Akhtar remained where he was on the couch and shut his eyes tight not knowing what to do. Suddenly he felt a loving caress over his head, when he opened his eyes he saw Rafu standing before him. This made him all the more nervous and he shut his eyes again.
Rafu tried to make Akhtar at ease by pacifying him that he should not be afraid of him when he was pulling just a fast one upon him. He went on further that Akhtar was his guest and he his host. He further pacified and tried to reason out with Akhtar in hope of calming down from his fears. Rafu told him that he should not be afraid of him just because he is a Djinn. Aren’t stories of Jinn mentioned in their holy book of Koran. He said that Jinn does not harm or harass a person without any reason, nor does he cause death or injury to a person. Akhtar became a bit relaxed after knowing the intentions of Rafu was not to harm him. Akhtar immediately realized the surrounding around him and noticed decoration of intricate designs in the room. In one corner of the room was soft Iranian Cotton Dhurrie. Every item decorated in the room was unique and antique in nature with fragrance from various kinds of Attar its whiff spread throughout the many rooms. Akhtar felt as if he was transfixed in some other world as if he was cruising in the enchanted world of Maulana Halim Sharar and had just landed in world of fairy tales as described in “Firdosh e Bari”. The room in which Akhtar was laying on the couch its doors were ajar and immediately facing the open door was another room. Akhtar had a glimpse of other room from his couch and he immediately got the idea of the lifestyle and noble ways the Mughal Badshah used to live in such elegant Grandeur. Akhtar kept on observing the surroundings in awe and admiration.
Suddenly Rafu who was nearby told him that his father has not yet seen Akhtar and is very eager to meet him. He will be very happy to meet Akhtar so now he will introduce Akhtar to his father for which he had come all the way from Aligarh. Akhtar was led by Rafu to another room where his father was seated. Immediately on stepping in that room Akhtar noticed a senior person. His appearance was eye catching. He had long flowing beard, and hair shining like quicksilver and was covered from head to toe by a white dress, having medium size built, and eyes shining like amber and penetrative x-ray eyes that can scan a person and see through his heart. Above all his eyes were full of love and his face sparkled with intensity of childlike innocence and piety writ all over his face. be continued in Part 2
Firdosh K.Sukhia
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Avan Ardvi Sura Anahita
By Silloo Mehta
This female Divine Being is in charge of flowing waters. The benefits accrued by the recitation of the Avan Niyaesh and Yasht vindicate the strong faith of modern Parsees in Avan Yazad
Avan Yazad is the female deity presiding over waters. Zarathushtis worship the divine element in all physical objects. The physical water on earth contains invisible divine light or energy, which are the blessings of Ahura Mazda. This energy is more prevalent in the flowing water of rivers, oceans, streams and springs. Thus, we attune ourselves with the divine light or energy of Ahura Mazda while praying to the flowing waters.
Avan Yazad is called Avan Ardvi Sura Anahita. Ardvi is the name given to one of the powers of Avan Yazad. It is also the name of a river flowing through ancient Iran. She generally represents all flowing water. She possesses ‘sur,’ weapons, to fight spiritual pollution. Anahita describes the function of the deity, as cleansing physical and subtle contamination. The waters of Ardvi Sura are undefiled and righteous and are the best of all the waters created by Mazda. Thus, the waters of Ardvi are the blessings of Ahura Mazda that descend on earth. “I Ahura Mazda created the powerful force of Ardvi Sura.” (Avan Niyaesh, 7) It is, therefore, considered a great sin to pollute the flowing waters.
The Avan Niyaesh and Avan Yasht are the two prayers for attunement with Avan Ardvi Sura. Avan Yasht is Ha 65 of the Yasna ceremony, recited during the culminating rites of the Ab-Zohr, the "offering to the waters." The Avan Niyaesh and the Yasht share many common passages.
Ahura Mazda asks Asho Zarathushtra to attune with Ardvi Sura who, cleanses pollution (outside us and within us, such as, ego, greed, passions, Druj) is wide-flowing, (flows through the entire creation in the various forms, divine light in the spiritual world and physical waters in the material world) health-giving, (life-giving) and opposed to the Demons. For the people of the corporeal world, she is a worthy object of attunement and devotion. (Avan Niyaesh, 2) Verse 2 also enumerates the five Fradhos - Adhu-fradho, vanthvo-fradho, gaetho-fradho, khshaeto-fradho, danghu-fradho. Ancient manuscripts reveal a sixth fradho – zantu-fradho. Fradhos are the electro-magnetic forces found in flowing waters. These forces give waters their specific qualities and functions such as giving birth (khshaeto-fradho supplies the force needed to burst the water bag surrounding the baby in the mother’s womb at the time of birth), life-sustaining, cleansing, thirst-quenching, growing food and foliage, aiding digestion, cooking, helping digestion, healing, (the science of hydrotherapy) etc.
Thus, water is a miraculous gift of nature without which, life on earth cannot survive. There are 300 million cubic miles of water on earth. The human embryo, when conceived, has 90% water, a newborn 78% and adults 63%. No wonder then, that water is termed as the ‘blood of the earth’ and as the ‘sense organ of the cosmos.’
The Fradhos are more active in flowing waters such as well or spring waters than in bodies of stagnant waters such as pools, lakes, etc. For this reason, well or spring waters are used in the performance of religious ceremonies. In the Yasna ceremony, the performance of the actions and the recitation of the Avesta manthras during the ritual awaken the Fradhos in the water. At the culmination of the ceremony, the priests pour this energized water into the well (this is called Ab-zohr). The energy released into the well water spreads to the other underground sources such as springs, streams and channels thus the good energies are proliferated throughout the earth.
Avan Ardvi Sura purifies the seed of all males and the wombs of all females. She facilitates childbirth in pregnant women and provides milk in the breasts of all mothers. (Avan Niyaesh, 3) For this reason, it is a tradition among pregnant Zarathushti women to pray the Avan Niyaesh or Yasht for forty consecutive days.
Ardvi Sura originates in the Mount Hukairya and flows into the Vourukasha Sea. All rivers merge into the Vourukasha. Wherever they go, the clear flowing waters, spread prosperity, which are as big as a thousand rivers and a thousands rivulets, and which take a rider mounted on a swift horse forty days to cross. (Avan Niyaesh, 4, 5)
The above verses seem rather strange and need some elucidating. Mount Hukairya and Vourukasha are objects in the divine world, Hasti, and in the non-physical world, Nisti. They must not to be confused with their namesakes on earth.[1] The waters of the allegorical river Ardvi originate in the Hukairya mountain in the spiritual world as Divine Light and collect in the reservoir, Apam Napat, also in Hasti. From the reservoir of Apam Napat, they flow into a huge ocean of energy in the non-physical world, called Vourukash. These subtle waters then enter the material or physical world, Geti, in the form of flowing waters. As the subtle waters traverse the divine, non-physical and material worlds they gradually change their form. The Divine Light gradually becomes denser – spirit being converted into matter - till it appear as physical waters, H2O, on earth. Thus, the flowing waters on earth are the condensed form of the Divine Light of Avan Yazad, which originated in the Divine world, Hasti.
As they descend from the divine world to the physical world, the sublime waters of Avan Yazad spread their benevolence through 1001 channels or mediums or agencies. These are depicted as the thousand rivulets and rivers. The number 1001 has a metaphysical significance in Zoroastrian numerology. 1001 can be split into ‘10’ and ’01.’ ‘10’ represents the perfected souls or entities, such as the Yazatas and the Amesha Spentas. ‘01’ represents the imperfect souls and those struggling to attain perfection. The former, with the help of Ahura Mazda’s blessings, will lead the latter to perfection.
Each of these channels takes a rider mounted on a swift horse forty days to cross. This is another example of an Avesta statement with deep underlying meanings. A horse indicates spiritual progress. A rider mounted on a swift horse indicates one who is making swift spiritual progress by following the precepts of the Zarathushti religion. Having reached an advanced stage of righteous, this great soul is now fit to ask Avan Yazad for a boon. Through rituals, he attunes himself with Avan Ardvi Sura and makes his request. In the Avan Yasht, spiritually advanced kings and heroes of Iran pray to her and supplicate her for boons. The boons are granted to the good to vanquish the evil in the struggle between good and evil. We too, can supplicate Avan Yazad for a boon by praying the Niyaesh or Yasht for forty consecutive days. This is allegorically depicted as taking forty days to cross one channel.

[1] Mount Hukairya is the highest summit of Alborz (a mountain chain in Iran) and Vourukasha, ‘sea with wide shores,’ has been compared to the Caspian Sea. See English translation of Ervad Kavasji E. Kanga, Khordeh Avesta Ba Maeni, p.64 footnote.
In the Avan Yasht, in a vivid description, Ardvi Sura Anahita is compared to a fair maid with a strong body, tall, pure and nobly born of a glorious race, wearing: a mantle fully embroidered with gold, four-cornered dangling golden earrings and necklace; ever holding the baresma, bundle of consecrated twigs (Avan Yasht, Kardas 16, 19 and 30). Students of philology conjecture that such personal description of the deity as a comely, alluring maiden is a poetic flight of fancy of the composer of the Yasht. They, therefore, speculate that the second half of this Yasht must have been written much later than the first half! This, they opine, is the same idea as that of the Anahita cult that grew in the West, and from where it was borrowed by the Iranian scribe! Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our scriptures abound with words pregnant with esoteric meanings. We shall illustrate this with one example from her description - her wearing the dangling four-cornered earrings. Behind such seemingly simple statements lie the deepest mysteries of Nature.
The apparent physical description of Ardvi Sura pertains to the description of her Kehrp (subtle invisible body). The ‘dangling earrings’ refers to the ebb and flow of tides, and the influence and pull of man's fortunes and destiny due to the gravitational attraction of the moon to the Earth. They are ‘four-cornered;’ that is, Ardvi Sura performs these functions on the earth and its environs, which are governed by the four elements (fire, air, water and matter.) The earrings are golden, which means that all these changes and mutations contribute to the advent of Frashogard, the golden age. The above is just one example of how our scriptures are littered with such allegorical and hidden state¬ments.
Avan Ardvi Sura is known as the granter of boons. In the Avan Yasht (Kardas 6 thru 20 and 22) great exalted Kings and saints like Hoshang, Jamshid, Faridoon, Kersasp, Kai Kaus, Kai Khushru, Jamasp and even Asho Zarathushtra among others appealed and supplicated Avan for boons. These boons, being beneficial for the universe, were granted. Yet, the boons asked for by Zohak (Karda 8) and Afrasiab (Karda 11) were not considered beneficial, and hence, not granted.
The association between water and wisdom that is common to many ancient cultures is also evident in the Avan Yasht, for here Ardvi Sura is the divinity to whom priests and pupils should pray for insight and knowledge (verse 86). It is stated that libations offered to Avan Ardvi Sura after sunset are excepted by demons. (Avan Yasht, Karda 6, verses 94-95). Thus, prayers to this Yazad are offered only during the three day watches (Havan, Rapithwan and Ujiran) and never in the two night watches (Aiwisruthrem and Ushahin). She is seen to ride a chariot drawn by four horses named "wind", "rain", "clouds" and "sleet" (120). Aredvi Sura Anahita is bountiful to those who please her, stern to those who do not, and she resides in 'stately places' (101).
Many Zarathushtis have experienced the benefits of praying the Avan Niyaesh or Yasht consecutively for forty days. The Avan Niyaesh itself tells us of the benefits that accrue by the recitation of Avesta prayers with clear, good intonation and understanding. The reciter attains Garothman behesht (Avan Niyaesh, 17).
Reference:- The Mazdiyasnie Connection Winter 2009 Volume 28 Issue 4
Sunday, September 2, 2012
16 qualities of Athornan classified into eight grades of Zoroastrian Priesthood- Yozdathregar Part 8
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Reference:- Sharuatna Char Divas ane Pachini Kriyao by Ustad saheb and Dr Faramroze Chiniwala Second Edition 1933 Page 53 to 57
Eight stages of Athravan to practice Yozdathegari:-
As per our Zarathosti deen for an Athravan to be eligible and proficient to do all Kriyas or procedures of yasna he has to pass through several stages. In the same way as in school we have different grades and standards in class where we pass one class at a time and gradually proceed further to senior class till we reach top level of Matriculation; similarly same rule applies here also. The more the seniority more is the responsibility. The stages are described as under:-
1) Fraberetar:- The first stage of Athravan to practice Yozdathregari is known as “Fraberetar”. In this stage a Athravan assists his other senior Yozdathregar colleagues in any work assigned to them. As per Philology Fra= to move forth or forward Beretar= to perform errands to bring forth or take, and assist seniors in their day to day functions.
2) Aberetar:- The second stage of Athravan in performing Yozdathregari is known as “Aberetar”. He becomes proficient in all functionary skills pertaining to water. For example correct scientific manner whilst drawing pure well water, the kriyas and Avesta Manthra that go along while drawing well waters. Procedures required to be followed while drawing well waters in Ushehen Geh. Proper knowledge and procedure required to maintain water’s ritual purity drawn in Ujiran geh for ritual use in Aivisuthrem Geh, and why is it forbidden to draw well water during Aivisuthrem geh itself. Knowledge of making any object ritually pure with help of well water, and reason behind following ritual purity rules. How to purify all tools or “Alat” required for Yajasne ceremony using water as medium of purification. As per Philology Ab=water and Beretar= to bring forth or take waters required for ritual purity.
3) Asnatar:- The third stage of Athravan in performing Yozdathregari is known as “Asnatar”. He becomes proficient in giving all types of Nahan, and kriyas or procedures that go along with various types of Nahan. He is proficient in exact procedure of Sisyo Nahan, Barshnoom Nahan, and scientific reasons for performing such Nahans. The number of Karsh required for Barshnum, the reasons and benefits in doing it so. The degree of purity and piety obtained after any Nahan and significance of Sisyo Nahan, Riman Nahan. The benefits of taking a Barsehnum, why use of water is prohibited during Barshnoom, and only nirang is to be used. He should be proficient in minute details of all Nahan and Bareshnoom. As per Philology A- sna= to take bath and Beretar= one who gives Nahan to others.
4) Rathvishakar:- The fourth stage of Athravan in performing Yozdathregari is known as “Rathivashakar”. Such an Athravan is proficient in arranging all “Alats” on “Hidora” for Yajashne Kriya in correct manner as per our deen. Why is “Mahrui” arranged on left side only, why is “Havanim” never kept on left side but always on right hand side. What is “Zor na Fuliya” and its significance. Why is “Varas ni viti”kept out of sight during certain period of time in a Kriya and why is it exposed during certain period of time in a Kriya or procedure. Each Alat is arranged on a “Hidora” in particular position only. Why is it always to be arranged in that manner only. Hidora= is stone platform where all utensils of Alat are kept arranged in particular manner only. The Athravan having passed fourth stage of Rathivashakar is proficient and an expert who knows the ritual significance behind such positioning of Alats on Hidora.
Reference :- Above images and notes on “What is Alat ?“ taken from Book “Learning Parsi Panu” by Ms. Silloo Mehta Page 67 & 69
What is Alat:- When a Physical thing is consecrated, it gets charged spiritually and is able to absorb the divine currents streaming down and is also able to emit powerful waves of divine energies which permeate the surrounding atmosphere. There are 33 Alats from various Kingdoms:
• 17 from the mineral kingdom such as Havanim and Lala ( mortar and pestle), Tashta (chalise or plates and cups), Barsam (metallic wires), Mahrui (Cresent shaped stands), Varas ni Viti (ring entwined with hair of Varasyaji), Ashtra or kaplo(knife), kundi and other vessels for water.
• 8 from the vegetable kingdom – Aiwyaonghana (leaf of date palm), Urvaram (twig of pomegranate tree), Darun(wheat mini-rotlis), Haoma twigs, Sukhad ( sandalwood) and Loban.
• 4 from animal kingdom such as jivam( goat’s milk), Goshuda (Ghee),Zaota and Rathvi (priests) and Varas (hair of Varasyaji tied to a ring).
• 4 elements represented by the Atash Dadgah, well water, wind and the Atash Kadeh building.
Each of the Alats, their shape, structure and number has special meaning and significance and contributes to achieving the goal of the ritual.
5) Havanan:- The fifth stage of Athravan in performing Yozdathregari is known as “Havanan”. Havanan= An Athravan who must be proficient in all Kriyas pertaining to Hom as mentioned below:- How and why Hom is to pounded. What is Hom, Para-Hom, Gokeren-Hom. Why is Hom given a very exalted status in Kriya, Why a Yozdathregar has to consume Hom orally during Kriya.
6) Atravax:- The sixth stage of Athravan in performing Yozdathregari is known as “Atravax”. Atravax= An Athravan who must be proficient in all Kriyas pertaining to Atash as mentioned below:- The significance of Atash in nature, Number of Atash existing in nature, and its individual functions in nature. How to lawfully consecrate an Atash Behram, Atash Adrian, and purpose behind such making. The function of Atash Behram, Atash Adrian in nature. How to perform Boi ceremony and Chak of an Atash Behram, and reason behind it.
7) Zaota:- An Athravan having gone through above six stages now comes to the seventh stage of Zaota. An Athravan only after reaching stage of Zaota becomes eligible to be Zoti in Yajashne Kriya.
An Athravan has to become proficient from above stages step by step only or “Pae dar Pae”;then can he perform Yajasne Kriya and become a “Jyoti”, and that too when he is under planetary effect of Jupiter or Burjis aspect, which is possible only when he reaches age of 52 years.
Note:- As per our Zarathosti deen a human child after being born till his death is influenced by various Planetary effects for a certain fixed period also known as “Karan”. During a sojourn of man’s life and as per “Zarvane Dareghkhadat” he comes under mentioned planetary influences in “Hashemi Zamanah” or era of Mars cycle that we mankind is generally living in. This rule of planetary effects explained below applies for all mankind:-
Hence an Athravan can be a Jyota or Zaota in Yajashne only when he has crossed 52 years of age when he will be receiving in abundance Jupiter planetary effects which are so very much essential whilst doing Yajashne.
Reference:- Mazdiyasni Zarathosti daen mujab Zarathosti Tarabyatni asal rudhi Page 96 to 98
Let us see what Bard Shakespeare has to say in his play “As you like it” written in year 1599.
All the world’s a stage,
And all men and women merely players:
They have their exits, and their entrances ;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His act being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
And then, the whining schoolboy, with his satchel,
And shining morning face, creeping like snail,
Unwilling to school; And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad,
Made to his mistress’ eye-brow, Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation,
Even in the cannon’s mouth: And then the justice,
In fair round belly, with good capon lined,
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances,
And so he plays his part: The sixth age shifts,
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon;
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose well saved, a world too wide,
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again towards childish treble, pipes
And whistle in his sound: Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness, and mere oblivion;
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
The above mentioned details whose faint shadow can be seen in today’s modern Greek literature copied from the Persians like many other things. Click on the link:-
8) Shroshavarez:- The final stage that an Athravan reaches entitles him to be known as “Vada Dasturan Dastur”, or is also referred to as “Sahebe- Aleshan- Khandane-wala” (Z.Tarabyat ni asal rudhi Page 103) . For an Athravan to reach such an exalted stage he has to pass from all the above mentioned stages wherein he passes from all Kriya, he is knowledgeable of its Tavil and with meticulous details. He understands thoroughly the Yazads or Minoi power that he invokes during the Yajashne ceremony. Shroshavarez= Shrosh= Sarosh Yazad + Varej=functioning power who does the work = the doer. As per Philology the word can mean the one who invokes Sarosh Yazad and assists him in his functions by being an Humkar=hum=the one who attunes with the Minoi Power in his Karya= Kar. He can now hear the Celestial vibrations of Sarosh Yazad. In all the above mentioned stages proper “Bareshnoom” is very much essential and has special importance for a Kriya to be successful.
Firdosh K Sukhia
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Prayers during Muktad and Gatha Days
The first five days of farvardegan starts from Spendarmard Mah Astad roj till five days upto Roj Aneran and is called as "Panjeh Keh" meaning first five small days of Farvardegan. On those days in addition to your regular Farjyat prayers one should pray "Framarot no Ha". Other five days are actual 5 Gatha days and are called as "Panjeh Meh" where appropriate pertaining Gathas are prayed on respective gatha days of Ahunvad Gatha, Ushtavad Gatha, Spentomad Gatha , Vohukhsahtra Gatha, & Vahishtoisht Gatha. So these ten days consists of "Panjeh Keh" and "Panjeh meh".
Apart from the above mentioned prayers during these ten days of Farvardegan commensing from Astad roj and ending on Vahishtoisht Gatha one should pray Lakh nu Bhantar. It has not to be taken in literal sense of reciting yatha, ashem, and Yeangeh hatham lakh times, but during those ten days 5700 Yatha, 2100 Yengeh Hatham, and 1200 Asem Vohu has to be recited and equally distributed in those ten days. Hence within those ten days you can pray every day 570 Yatha, 210 Yengeh hatham, and 120 Ashem after finishing your Faramarot Ha in first 5 days , and later on respective Gathas on other five days.
If due to some unavoidable circumstances one misses out one day than he can complete it other day. In the sense that during those ten days totally 5700 Yatha, 2100 Yengeh Hatham, and 1200 Asem Vohu has to be recited . This Lakh nu Bhantar has to be recited with sarosh Ni Khshnuman as shown below:-
Refer Sarosh baaj as given in our Khordeh Avesta Book:-
Khshnaothra Ahurahe Mazdao.
Ashem Vohu (3)
Farvarnane Mazdayasno zarthushtrish Vidaevo Ahra takaesho, (recite appropriate geh here)
Saroshe ashyahe, takhmahe tanu mathrahe, darshi- draosh ahuriyehe, khsnaothra yasnaicha wahamaicha khsnothraicha frastaecha, yatha ahu vairyo Zaota fra me mruteh, atha ratush ashatchit hacha, fra ashva vidvao mraotu.
Saroshem ashim hurodhem verethragnem..................................................Ahunem vairim tanu paiti (3)
Yatha Ahu Vairyo (1)
Recite over here (in place of kemna Mazda as in sarosh Baaj) -- lakh nu Bhantar i.e. 570 Yatha, 210 Yengeh hatham, and 120 Ashem
Then complete balance Sarosh Baaj
Yatha (2). Yasnemcha vahmaemcha aojascha Zavarecha afrinami, Sraoshahe ashyehe takhmeahe, tanu- manthrahe darshi- drash ahuiryehe.Ashem Vohu (1)
Ahmai Raescha, Hazangharem, jasme avanghe Mazda, Kerfeh Mozd.
On the last day of Vahistoisht Gatha do not forget to pray Patet Pashemani as that day is also called as Pateti or last day of the year which will herald next day Nouroz or our New year.
We should also pray for dear departed souls satoom no Kardo but during Gatha days we have to recite special Satoom no Kardo- "Gatha ni Khsnuman no" which can be found in Union press tamam Khordeh avesta.
For further reading on Farvardegan days please click on the link provided below for article by Mr Noshir Dadrawala :-
Nowruz Mubarak to all readers of this Blog.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sixteen qualities(Virtues) of an Athravan – Part 7
Reference (old) Parsee Avaz 06.12.1959 page 4 & 6 “Porso- Pasokh va Nuktechini” column or Question and Answer Column
14) Padiyav-Sajashneh:- The term Kusti Padiyav has been used loosely by us, but the exact etymology of the word “Paad” can mean the immediate area surrounding our earthy physical body also known as “Aipi”. As per ilme-Khshnoom the area surrounding our “Aipi” can be measured by extending our folded Arms at level of our shoulder and finger tips of both Arms touching each other. The circle drawn from centre of our body till tip of our elbow as radius of circle can be stated to be our “Aipi”. Refer to the hand drawn diagram as shown below:-
Above Diagram is prepared using Reference:- Parsee Avaz 06.12.1959 page 4
We have to maintain a “Karsh” or a protective circle around our Aipi with help of Sudreh Kusti which acts as an Alaat or weapon/ shield and that is known as “Padiyav”. The shield of Sudreh does not function alone all by itself, but it works in Tandem along with Kusti on our waist and hence the word Kusti Padiyav is coined with the above explanation. But an ordinary Athornan having developed Padiyav-Sajashneh quality can make his Aipi Druji proof with amal of his Sundreh Kusti and remove impurities from his Aipi ,thus make place for good Akherater Khoreh to flow smoothly. The ceremony for donning Sudreh Kusti is called as Navjote and if it is done properly Sudreh Kusti as Alaat can protect every Bastekustian from outer impurities by locking our Aipi and we become a co-worker of Paav Mahal. When an Ashwan Athornan develops this quality into power than he becomes receptacle for Gaav to flow in his system, and his Aipi becomes eligible for contact with Yazatic forces. Nay! He now becomes Semi Yazat himself.
15) Khube-Nirang:- An ordinary Athornan having developed this quality can make use of Manthra / Nirang Prayer or incantations for relief of sick and suffering. His Druj Parhej Tarikats makes him eligible to establish such a quality of Khube-Nirang within him. He now functions as a true Hakim taking into consideration karmic liability of the patient and remains well within his limits who give relief to the sick with his Manthra prayers, and by preparing Talismatic Taviz.
When an Ashwan Athornan having developed this quality into power can decimate Saen Druji elementals and with his Yasna give relief to Mankind from hazards and perils of Saen Druji. To know more about Saen Druji and how it is formed, one can refer to the article from archives on same topic. Follow the link of Saen Daruji and Saen Baaj as its remedy:-
16)Nehvar-Jivam:- The word Nehvar means Nine Ameshaspands or Nine Gehnas and its Keherps formed in “Hasti” also known as immortal world, and word Jivam means milk of a goat that is made use of in kriya and mixed in pure well water. By undergoing through this process there is transmutation of Goat’s milk from Vohun to Gaav which in simple language means milk getting converted from grossness to Gaav signifying selfless quality in it. When an Ordinary Athornan develops this quality he makes sure of never doing any kriyas half-heartedly or in hurry and thus invite undesirable result of Yasna- Daruji. He tries to do to best of his capacity all Husmordi Kriyas whether Zindeh Ruvan or Anushe Ravan kriyas painstakingly in totality without overlooking any minute details and from start to finish. Whereas an Ashwan Athornan develops this quality into power and he can actually see in Urvisgah of Pav mahal any anomaly or deficiency arisen whilst performing Kriyas. He takes corrective measures and repairs Yasna Daruji or the disorder in Staot or vibrations formed from Kriyas done haphazardly knowingly or unknowingly by any Athornan. He does not allow ill effects of Yasna Daruji to further weaken Pav mahal. He delivers the keherps that have formed by kriyas to its rightful place which helps nature in its relentless service to mankind and universe.
Today we cannot say that present Athornans have all 16 qualities of Athornan but some of them may have managed to develop at least some of the qualities as per their own destiny and their efforts, but the Yasna Daruji that comes into play by careless attitude of some of Athornans can play havoc to our Pavmahal, if not repaired and discreetly taken care of by Sayar Abed saheb who come periodically practically every 6 months from Iran by maintaining their Bareshnoom and with help of special power of Nehvar-Jivam reduce negative effects of Yasna Druji and repair Pavmahal of Hindustan in which we Parsis thrive in its protection today and have survived for so many years. There is no doubt that today if Talesam of Pavmahal in India has been taken care of we have to salute the Sayar Abed Saheb who selflessly serve Pavmahal and does their job without any fanfare or expecting anything in return.
Asho Mobed Nairyosang Dhaval who came to India with chosen Anjuman was a chosen leader being guided by Demavand Koh Abed Sahebs. Even when Athornan groups in India started showing their spiritual lacking, then also proper care was taken by Asho Abed Sahebs at nick of time to protect Pavmahal in Hindustan, and are even offering their selfless services presently. When Islamic zealots began their quest to spread their tentacles in India a need was felt by Caretakers Sanjana Tola of Sacred Iranshah to shift from its original Kash to a safer place This was very unfortunate and undesirable as Iranshah is capable of looking after its own safety in emergency. But this fact was overlooked by Sanjana Tola and thus the history of long and arduous journey of Iranshah for many years from Sanjan to different places till he was finally settled in Udwada till date. But the moment Iranshah was disturbed from its Kash and taken to different places, the hidden Saiyar Abed Sahebs worked in their own mysterious ways to protect sacred flame of Iranshah from extinction. Ustad Saheb has narrated many amazing facts on this topic to his disciples. Finally at last when Iranshah was settled in Udwada since last 200 years and is so even today, the time had come for Iranshah’s sacred fire under its belly which was till now burning on its own without any offerings of Sandalwood to cool down. Just as humans have horoscope describing its destiny, similarly Iranshah’s Horoscope too describe different time frames of its Birth, Childhood, Teenage, Maturity, oldage and finally death. The time period of Iranshah was nearing its end which is technically known as “Samandar”. We are living in past Samandar Period now. Iranshah and its Talismanic powers are active even now although not as vivified as it was during its youth but its effects and protection more than sufficient enough to last till advent of ShahBehram Varjawand. When augury sign for Samandar was indicating, it was then that the hidden Abed sahebs gave timely guidance to Sanjana Tola responsible for tending sacred fire of Iranshah. They guided Sanjana Mobeds and showed them way of transforming the sacred Atash burning on its own, to physical Atash by having connection or “Paivand” with Sandalwood logs. Thus today we have with us Physical Atash of Iranshah which was transferred from divine atash of Iranshah burning on its own in past without any help of Sandalwood as fuel for fire.
We have but to take help of Khshnoom to know the hidden truths in our Deen, and thus apart from applying grammatical translations to Avesta, one requires to be familiar with “Tavil” which is really key to decipher Avesta as propounded by Khshnoom. By merely externally knowing names of 16 qualities of Athornan one cannot grasp its true hidden meaning but when we apply Khshnoom and its Tavil then we realize the hidden power that goes behind the making of these 16 qualities of an Athravan which never fails us to look at this subject with awe and respect that it rightly deserves.
Today our Athornan class can only take care of our community and its religious institutions of fire temples. If an Athornan today takes care to develop 16 qualities of Athravan and thus maintain Mithra, Manthra, Yasna of Zarathosti Deen then there should not be any complains about our community going downhill. Today knowingly and unknowingly we create all sort of Yasna Daruji and increase load upon shoulders of Pavmahal of Iranshah, even then Pavmahal of Iranshah can retain spiritual powers till advent of our future Rainidar Saheb Shah Behram Varjawand Saheb and 2/3rd of our community who will staunchly follow Zarthosti tenets will be taken care of and saved in troubled times.
An Athornan having developed last three qualities of Athravan namely 13) Rast-Avesta, 14) Padiyav-Sajashneh, 15) Khubeh-Nirang reaches the “Atravax” grade of Zoroastrian Priesthood. He now becomes a Dharma guru capable of protecting holy fire and is called as “Atash Pasbaan”. He thus alchemizes his own fire within his physical body and maintains all earthly fires. He is able to provide connecting link between the immortal world of “Hasti” with mortal world known as “Nisti” and whose final result is nothing less than Salvation for the Soul or “Ravaan Bhokhtagi”
An Athornan having developed last sixteenth quality of Athravan namely 16) Nehwar-Jiwam reaches the “Zaota” grade of Zoroastrian Preisthood. He thus becomes protector of our religion and is known as “Deen Pasbaan” In the past, the Anjuman of ordinary Athornan belonging to second grade who lead a family life in Iran and belonging to “Zaota” class of Preisthood were solely eligible for the post of “Dastur” and that too after he reaches age of 52 years. If he is underage he has to wait till he reaches age of 52 years and definitely not before that. Today the Parsees of India can be termed as those belonging to “Mashya” grade “Baste- Kustian”, and if they remain faithful to practicing all prescribed Tarikats, and maintain high moral code and above all following rules of Bareshnoom Nahan then he can cultivate some/ any of the above mentioned 16 qualities of an Athravan. But without Bareshnoom expecting any favourable results is likened to tilling and watering the earth but forgetting to sow any seeds and expecting bumper harvest in return, which does not make any sense to it.
From the above we can see that Ashwan Athravan remain hidden in Demavand Koh and takes care of our religious institutions at all time and thus are known as Deen Pasban. They untiringly fight against Druj by remaining engrossed in Avesta prayers and thus keep Druj in check within its limits, and never allow Ahriman to remain unchecked. Thus in “Afrin e Haft Ameshaspand” 8th para says “Hamazor Raevand Koh, Hamazor Mehparsin Koh, Hamazor Daemavand koh ke Dravand Bivrasp andar oy bast Aaested” which means that various mountains like Raevand koh, Mehparsin koh and particularly Daemavand mountain where Darvand of ten thousand horses are bonded here. …………..….. Reference :- Pazend Afrin Ba Maeni by Ervad Phiroze S Masani Page no 28 to 30
Even in Shahnamah we come across narration of how King Zohak remains chained in Demavand and keeps on sucking his chains whole night in which he is bounded and makes it thin. He is thus ready to escape before crack of dawn. But the auspicious crowing of Cock which is symbol of Sarosh Yazad prevents him from imminent escape and his chains becomes strong once again and Zohak cannot escape. Zohak means Azi Dohak or personification of ten shortcomings which makes him totally evil. Numerically number ten denotes complete or being whole. So ten denotes evil in its totality at its peak. The Srosah-Varez saheb in Demavand Koh who is personification of Sarosh Yazad himself keeps evil in check by constantly meditating and keeping druj in limits with Avesta prayers and Mithra.
Shahnamah a mere Myth ?
So are we to brush off Shahnamah as mere Myth ?????? . Let us know definition of Myth as is given below by late Dr. Saheb Faramroze Chiniwala in his own words:- “But what is Myth ???? A Myth is that which is difficult to understand, being extraordinary not apropos to present age still having existence in the distant remote past. Human understanding is far too limited to measure nature and her working. Hence it is that one has to live upon faith. This faith will lead one, one day to the actual “Kherad” sense to measure Nature.” ………………….Reference :- A Sequel to Essentials of Zoroastrianism by Dr. Faramroze Chiniwala Page 42
Firdosh K. Sukhia
Above Serialisation from (1) Parsee Avaz in “Porsopasokh” Column dated from
25.10.1959 to 6.12.1959
(2) Chart in Parsee Avaz dated 6.9.1970
(3) Yajashne ni Buland Kriya by Dr. F S Chiniwala Page 54-65
Note:- Concluded all 16 qualities of Athravan will continue further with Notes and Chart on Eight stages of Athravan to practice Yozdathegari.